

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Legacy Meet - Correction

OS Wrestling Fans,

Correction to my last email, tickets for the Legacy Meet  (vs Missouri) are regular price, not $10 each as I stated. If you have season tickets, they are already in your pack, you don't have to do anything extra.

I have heard from fans that the ticket booth was slow in printing out tickets, so it really helps to have your tickets in hand before you get here!

If you are not able to attend, you can follow the action on-line. This from the OS web site:
Media> Live stats will be provided through trackwrestling.com and a link to each meet is available on osubeavers.com. Also, follow wrestling on Twitter.com/OSU_Wrestling for updates as each meet progresses.
Members of The FALL Fan Club, the Board needs your help! Increased interest in the Club, due to the performance of the team, has brought more congestion waiting to get in to the Socials, etc. Anyone interested in helping out, please let us know.

If you are any early arriver, we could use help manning the table in the lobby in Gill, answering questions, taking membership applications, etc. It would be best if you could be there by 6:15.

At the Socials, we could use help immediately following the meets. Several greeters at the door could direct people where they need to go, e.g. if they want to join, where to find the membership applications, non-members to the place they pay admission, members, where to show their ID badge and pick up their door prize tickets, etc. People to help sell door prize tickets or t-shirts or answer questions would also be helpful!

Any tour directors out there? We can use your expertise in organizing our bus trip.

The Board greatly appreciates all help! Thank you!

Last, the Club has had a website, but it has been sort of left behind for the last few years. We are trying to get it going again. Now we have it in a blog format, so it is easier for all of the Board to contribute. You can get to it by: http://www.oregonstatewrestling.com/
which takes to you to old page with a link to the new page, or you can simply bookmark this page: http://www.osuwrestlingfall.blogspot.com/

We hope to be continually developing our site. For now, my emails will be posted there in the blog, so if you are looking for something that was in one of them and can't find it among your other 6,250 other emails, all you have to do it go there. Hope that helps!

Happy Thanksgiving!! See you Friday, 7pm, in Gill!

Go Beavs!!

Elizabeth DeAngelis
"The FALL"
Official Fan Club of OS Wrestling

Please do not forward this communication to news agencies. 
If you have information for the press please contact Hank Hager at 541-737-7472 or hank.hager@oregonstate.edu.
Please let me know if you wish to be removed from this email list. Thank you!

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